A few years back, my dear old friend and long-time Crafty Guitarist, Douglas Baldwin reached out to help notate the Airport Exercise during a fleeting first wave of interest in the piece. He provided some valuable feedback on my original, quick score – and then he started notating his own version.
Last week, I received the hard copy of this work in the (snail) mail – a surprise gift from Douglas.
Of course, my first (and predictable) response was: can I share what you sent?
So, please check out a small glimpse of the precise and concise work of guitarist Douglas Baldwin (scores and knotwork) and drop him a nice note, send him a small pile of cash, or (at least!) leave a comment here if you find these of value.
You might also compare this to Gabe’s version if so interested.
Note: Gabe and I did a Skype call to confirm, play through, and tweak his version as he was notating.
Douglas Baldwin: Scores and More
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