Back to sharing a number scans of recent ideas for packaging. This one is still in the realm of the mundane and almost too predictable for a box set.
The primary vision: deliver a package that has enough value that the music (essentially free since it leaks everywhere anyway) as a container worth acquiring and keeping.
I'm a 'read the lyrics' kind of music listener and my favorite musicians generally also write lyrics that deliver substantial rewards from study and close repeated listening. I also find music with accompanying visuals to be 10x more engaging and inspiring than that which only enters through the ears.
Like eating, for me, the eyes play a substantial role in the overall experience of music, both recorded and live.
Of course, a large format package also prevents easy storage along side the rest of a CD collection -- but it fits right in with the vinyl collections of the one hundred and fourteen people around the globe who still have and listen to vinyl.
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