Evening Work: Undertone - Vocal Version (5.6M MP3)
This song sketch was a challenge in more ways than I can easily and safely articulate this late at night. I'm mostly just thrilled that the last Song Sketch for the new Song Sketches CD is now completed (pending final mixing and mastering.) Sixteen songs are now in the can and ready to move into the final stages of production. With another 32 close behind.
This song is part of one of the thematic trilogies on the Song Sketches CD that includes "Captain Kumbaya (Vocal Version)" and Reddish (Vocal Version).
Together, these three songs indiscreetly document a complex process and close a small but significant chapter that brings together characters and events from both my recent and distance past lives.
Wow, what a lametastic sentence that was. More succinctly:
it's time to 'fess up
no need to dress up
ok to mess up
and find my answer was wrong
is it ambitious
in fact fictitious
to write an obvious song
the words come easy
it's semi-sleazy
it makes me queasy
to think outside of this sketch
as soft as hockey
this role is rocky
and I'm too cocky
to make the audience fetch
here lies a number of guys
who dared to remove their disguise
I've washed the dishes
I've wet my wishes
and pruned my passion
avoiding Fashion and Fame
the bugs have bitten
the writing's written
and it has scared all
the Scary Monsters away
I need to pay for
the tone I pray for
if I stay focused
and find sound of my heart
I'll move much faster
dodging disaster
and meet the Master
who may chime in when I Start
turn off the telephone
turn on the metronome
get out of your car
plug in a guitar
turn your square to a star
listen for the undertone
get out of your head
stay away from your bed
push into the red
you'll hear the undertone
when choices collide
when in is outside
when it's time to decide
obey the undertone
the voices of god
all sound rather odd
but it's part of your job
follow the undertone
let go ambition
all superstition
all repetition
and ask for help from the sky
and if you call it
empty your wallet
and simply will it
the undertone will arrive
you'll need to pay for
the sound you pray for
so ask the master
and he will know what to say
warm up your singers
and stretch your fingers
get busy writing
the sound will show you the way
lost found
Perhaps I'll go deeper into the back-story for these three songs in the liner notes? As written, I have no idea how transparent or obtuse these lyrics are on their own. And I'm not sure it really matters anyway.
In discussion with my personal trainer today while she was kicking my arse with a twelve pound stick, we discussed the poetry of Rumi -- specifically how the meaning lies somewhere between and below the surface of the words. Crude translation: the literal reading is often intentionally designed to bypass the thinking center. My favorite lyricists do the same.
Another note about my own lyrics: I have no idea where they come from. I generally begin singing and follow where the syllables that pour out take me. But make no mistake, every line carries a specific meaning.
Everything means something to me.
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